1.1 General Disclaimer

The newsletters of the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, e. V., [GSFL] are intended only for members. The information contained in GSFL newsletters is not advice, and should not be treated as such. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, the (GSFL) does not assert, represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the information in the member newsletters is correct, accurate, complete, or non-misleading. The GSFL is not liable to newsletter users in any respect, be it direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential, for any loss, damage, or injury.  Should parts or individual formulations of this disclaimer not, no longer, or not fully comply with the current law, all other sections of this disclaimer continue in effect.  Use of the GSFL newsletters will be understood as the newsletter user having completely read, understood, and given agreement to all of the policies and regulations noted therein.

General Policies

1.1.2 The Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, e.V. [GSFL] provides newsletters and mailings to provide information about events, policies, activities sponsored by both the GSFL and other organizations deemed to be of potential interest to the GSFL membership. 

1.1.3 All postings are subject to editorial approval by an officer of the GSFL Executive Council.  Occasionally, light editing of messages will be undertaken to correct for grammar and assure overall uniformity of format and content.  The GSFL has members in many different countries, representing a broad diversity of perspectives, opinions, and experiences.  Although the GSFL is devoted to the application of scientific research to the betterment of the society, as an organization, it is politically neutral.  The ideas, opinions, attitudes, and experiences expressed in the GSFL newsletters are those of the individual and/or institutional authors and do not necessarily reflect the ideas, opinions, attitudes, and experiences of the GSFL or its administration.  

1.1.4 Information chosen for inclusion in a GSFL newsletter is selected using two criteria: 1.) relevance for forensic linguistics, including its various divisions and sub-divisions; as well as allied fields and disciplines; and 2.) connection with either a Germanic language and/or dialect or an area in which at least one Germanic language and/or dialect is used as a form of communication. 

1.1.5 If you choose to provide us with your email address or any other personally identifiable information, this information will only be used to send you information about the GSFL, including but not limited to its newsletters, reports, and announcement.  Your contact details may also be used for membership records, to respond to queries made by yourself, or to maintain the GSFL records as required by the laws and regulations of the European Union, Germany, and/or the United States of America.  This information will not, however, be provided to a third party without your expressed permission.

2.0 Specific Policies


2.1.1 We, the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, e.V. (GSFL), reserve all copyrights on all original texts or images that appear in our newsletters.  The only exception are those texts and images which the GSFL has distributed from a third-party for informational, non-commercial use only. Neither the texts nor images in the GSFL newsletters may be copied or distributed without prior permission of the GSFL Presidency.

2.1.2 In cases where approval has been given for the use of the original content that appears in the GSFL newsletters, the following conditions must be followed: The source of copied material must be clearly listed as the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, e.V. (GSFL), along with a direct weblink to the homepage of the GSFL. This declaration of origin must appear on all forms of distribution. In cases where an image or text has been contributed by an individual for use by the GSFL the full name of the original author or image producer must be provided.

2.2.1 The GSFL welcomes communication via email. However, it is important to keep in mind that the security of email communication is unreliable.

2.2.2 If you choose to send private, confidential, or sensitive email messages that are not encrypted, you do so with the understanding you have accepted the sole responsibility for the risk associated with such email communication as well as the repercussions of possible confidentiality and/or privacy breaches over the internet. The GSFL may be reached via the following email address: <[email protected]>


2.3.1 The information contained in the GSFL newsletters is provided as a service to its users, subscribers, and possible others.

2.3.2 The newsletters are not meant as endorsements or advisement of any kind, be it legal or otherwise.  Although every effort is made to provide high quality, accurate, and relevant information, we the GSFL do not guarantee the results that may be obtained from using this information, nor does the GSFL offer any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.


In no way, form, or degree, is the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, e.V. liable to users or any other party for any damages, costs of any character including but not limited to direct or indirect, consequential, incidental, or other costs or damages, via the use of the information contained in the newsletters.


The GSFL may make changes to this information at any time without prior notice. The GSFL makes no commitment to update the information contained in its newsletters.


2.6.1 You may cancel your subscription to the GSFL newsletters at any time. 

2.6.2 If you choose to unsubscribe from the GSFL newsletter service, simply send your termination request to the following request: email address: [email protected] 

2.6.3 Alternatively, you may use the cancelation notification option provided at the end of all GSFL newsletters.  Once this termination request has been processed, you will be removed from the mailing lists and your newsletter service will be terminated.